
From Lake to Plate: Local Fishing Families and Foodways – A New Exhibit at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum

  Who are the people that bring us the fish that we eat? That is the question that we address in a new photography exhibit at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum entitled “From Lake to Plate: Local Fishing Families and Foodways.” I wrote and co-curated the exhibit...
The Importance of Developing “Personas” in Marketing

The Importance of Developing “Personas” in Marketing

This excerpt is from my new book, E-X-I-T-O: Su estrategia de marketing digital en 5 pasos. In English, that is - E-X-I-T-O: Your Digital Marketing Strategy in 5 Steps. Click on these links to read the first excerpt and second excerpt. We begin with an unforgettable...

A Latinized marketing model for the 21st Century: E-X-I-T-O

A Latinized marketing model for the 21st Century: E-X-I-T-O

This is the first in a series of excerpts from my new book - E-X-I-T-O: Su estrategia de marketing digital en 5 pasos, now in its second printing. "Marketing is Dead" reads the headline of an article on Harvard Business Review's blog network, a grim prognosis of what...

Is social media right for your small businesses?

Is social media right for your small businesses?

Facebook, YouTube, and Yelp logos appear on the majority of small business ads and retail entryways. But should you create and manage a presence on social media for your company? This article will outline how to evaluate whether small businesses should or shouldn’t...

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