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Venture Capitalist Invests in Entrepreneurs Serving Mexico’s Emerging Middle Class
This article first appeared on The Huffington Post in English and on in Spanish Where Donald Trump sees “criminals” and “rapists,” Álvaro Rodríguez sees opportunity among Mexico’s lower-income citizens. Rodríguez created his venture capital firm,...
How to Get a Cell Phone with a 212 Area Code
What is a phone number with a 212 area code worth? Evidently for Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), on the TV sitcom Seinfeld, it means the difference between getting and not getting a date with someone you have your eye on. (See video below.) Eight years ago, I wrote a...
Faces of a Fish Empire: My Father’s First (Posthumous) Photo Exhibit
“A photographer is like a cod, which produces a million eggs in order that one may reach maturity.” ― George Bernard Shaw, Irish writer and playwright The story of my father’s first photography exhibit begins at his funeral. My mother, brother, sister...